Shruti Pandey, Yogendra Pandey


The goals of education for the students with special needs are no different than the educational goals for sighted children. However, the means of attaining these goals are more complex and demand significant modifications, adaptations and extensions of the curriculum and the teaching process. Research shows that students with exceptionalities such as visual impairment are better academically engaged in daily classes and have opportunities for active learning. Consequently, it is important to develop systematic methods for teaching concepts. The instructor of students with visual impairment will logically find the principles that direct the learning process. Concepts for students use difficult methods and oral examples should be carefully taught where appropriate. The design of individual courses differs from the student’s needs and from the various circumstances under which a concept is to be enrolled. In broader concept science as a subject is dedicated to developing scientific attitudes such as objective outlook, spirit of enquiry, truthfulness and integrity, inventiveness, accuracy and precision. Therefore, in the science classrooms science educators must respond to their needs by motivating science and laboratory and science students with visually impaired conditions. Inadequate funding is the biggest problem in giving students with visual impairment fair access to education. The amount of teacher assistance or integration assistance is inadequate to meet the requirements. We do not have enough preparation and professional support in relation to the practical aspects of the science curriculum. This paper provides a theoretical perspective for the students with visual impairment to understand the challenges of entering science classrooms. The ideas in this article will help educators create opportunities for visually impaired students to improve science learning.

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visually impaired students, adaptations, science classrooms, accessible & assistive technologies

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