Dinçer Özdemir, Mehmet Şahin, Faruk Salih Şeker


The aim of the study is to determine to examine the current literature concerning the dynamics that encourage participation in sportive/physical activity in visually impaired individuals about the social ecological theory offered by developmental psychologist Uri Bronfenbrenner. This theory argues that the environmental layers have an effect on the development processes of individuals. Three separate systems constitute Bronfenbrenner’s model. These are the microsystem, mesosystem and exo-system, while all of these systems can operate individually on the individual, they are also systems that can work together on the individual. The microsystem constitutes the smallest and closest environment the individual lives. In the microsystem, such as parents, friends, staff (coach, teacher, club president), school, form the micro-system layer. On the other hand, the mesosystem consists of the interactions of different microsystems of which the individual is a part. In other words, it is basically a whole consisting of different microsystems. For example, it includes the relations between an individual's home and school, peer group and family and other social institutions. The exo -system layer covers the social structures that make up the institutional impact and the variables that show the interaction with these structures, such as institutional support, legal regulations, financial support, guidance service, management and auditing. In the study, we used qualitative analysis methods and techniques. We preferred the “purposive sampling” in determining the sample group in the study. We collected data from 13 male and 1 female impaired active athletes participated in the research and the ages of these participants were in the range of 17-47 years, living in Istanbul, Turkey. We used semi-structured, open-ended questions with the thematic analysis method of data. We took notes, kept diaries and recorded all impressions with dates and times. The results of the research evidently layout that all the variables that visually impaired individuals interact throughout their lives have an impact on their participation in sports. In this context, individual well-being, family characteristics, the nature of the relationship with the geographical features of the region and adaptation to the age individuals lived showed that all the variables were in a relationship with each other like the links of the chain.

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visually impaired people, participation in sports, socio-ecological theory

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