Raffaela Lupetina


The braille System is the most adopted writing and reading process in relief worldwide and includes the writing of the alphabet and of mathematical, chemical, phonetic, computer, and musical symbols. This text aims to explain what the braille System is and its importance for the independence of the blind person. In addition to demonstrating the appropriate distance between the points and proving that writing on the conventional slate is the best resource for correct writing in braille, the main objective of the research is to emphasize the importance of using the braille System and to value the conventional slate as a braille writing instrument. From the reading of theoretical texts and writings performed using both slates, the result is even more evident that writing on the conventional slate meets the tactile reading of the blind person, who uses the pad of the index finger to feel the braille dots.


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Braille, visual impairment, blindness, specialized education, education, specialized materials, slate

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