Maria Frouda, Asimina Riga, Nikolaos Dotsikas, Chrysavgi Papagianni


In several countries worldwide, the internship is part of teacher education programs and aims at the professional and personal development of teachers. In Greece, the Pedagogical Departments of Primary Education (PPT) include in their curriculum the students’ practical education which is an internship supervised and supported by teachers - mentors. Through this process, students gain the opportunity to acquire more knowledge of teaching and improve the needed skills, attitudes and values associated with the efficient performance of their job. This case study seeks to unearth the benefits of the internship program and also intends to explore the potential obstacles encountered by students - future teachers during their internship. The qualitative method of research using the semi-directed interview tool was adopted to study the opinion of students - future teachers about the internship program. The survey involved eleven students - future teachers of the Department of Education and Social Work of the University of Patras, who participated in internships in schools in the region of Patras. The results showed that students - future teachers benefited from the development of integrated teaching skills with the proper guidance and support of mentors, yet they simultaneously indicated some potential inhibitory aspects and challenges which arise through their relationship with mentors.


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