Georgios Vrakas, Vasiliki Giannouli, George Pavlidis, Sarris Dimitrios


The primary research objective of this research has been to investigate the relationship between the victimization of high school students and the existence of learning difficulties and ADHD. 700 students participated (with and without ADHD) who attended Gymnasiums of Western Thessaloniki in which integration departments operated. Participants anonymously completed a questionnaire on bullying. The results we quote here refer to the second part of the questionnaire that is completed only by those students who were victimized. According to the research activity so far, it was expected and finally confirmed that the variable existence of learning difficulties / ADHD is a predictor of the participation of these students in bullying incidents and even with the role of the victim [each increase in the percentage by one point (i.e. by 1 [each increase in the percentage by one point (i.e. by 1%) of the factor of learning disabilities and of the dep with a diagnosis the average value of the variable of a person falling victim to bullying increases by 1.21 points (p<0.001)].


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