Gianna Voukelatou


This study aims to inform teachers about the importance of the educational contract in effective classroom management and its contribution to creating a supportive learning environment for students with special educational needs. Through a case study in a school unit of special education and training in secondary education, the implementation of the educational contract as an effective pedagogical practice of classroom management in the educational process is presented. The implementation of the educational contract in a class of students with disabilities and special educational needs showed multiple benefits in terms of preventing and dealing with students' behavior problems. The results of this empirical study can be used by educational scientists to improve the school climate not only in the classroom of students with special educational needs who attend special education and training units, but also in the classrooms of the school units. of general education. In addition, innovative theoretical educational approaches to classroom management and activities can be highlighted that will contribute to the prevention and effective intervention in classroom management, promoting the active participation of students in the educational process and the promotion of learning.


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educational contract, school climate, rules, roles, classroom management, prevention, intervention, active participation, learning

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