Purpose: Feedback is considered to motivate students and enhance their learning. In Vocational Education and Training (VET) and workplace settings, feedback methods have been implemented to ensure a better connection between teaching and learning. However, to date, not much seems to be known about feedback methods used on students with learning disabilities/difficulties in VET. This literature review study examines the current feedback methods and outcomes among students with disabilities and/or difficulties in learning in vocational education, training, and workplace settings. Methods: For this purpose, ERIC, PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, Google Scholar, and Web of Sciences were used to identify relevant literature between 2015 and 2022. The review was conducted following the PRISMA-P guidelines. Amongst the studies identified, four studies met the inclusion criteria to be included in the study. The feedback methods identified in the studies include videotaped feedback dialogues between students and teachers, video modelling with video feedback interventions, peer feedback through collaborative writing activities, and a combined peer-teacher feedback method. Findings: The results showed that students received feedback from peers, teachers, and instructors in vocational education and training schools and workplace settings. The feedback, such as communication, reflection, and practical learning capabilities, assisted these students with their working lives. It significantly impacted their learning capacity, enhanced their persistence, increased their perceived abilities, enabled them to understand their learning development better, and improved their performance as they acquired new skills by doing tasks. Conclusion: Generally, the feedback methods were perceived as supportive, constructive, and motivating, prompting reflection and inspiring performance. Notwithstanding, more research on feedback methods and their outcomes on students with learning disabilities/difficulties in vocational education and workplace settings is needed. This must be in conjunction with research on how these same students experience/perceive the feedback methods used on them. This will enable new measures to facilitate the effective transition from school to employment for this category of VET students.
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