The research study focused on the stories of teachers holding multiple roles outside teaching: consequences and opportunities, their lived experiences, how they cope with their present situation, and the insights they can share with other teachers who will experience the same experiences they have. This study used the qualitative phenomenological method of research to explore in depth the experiences, coping strategies, and personal insights that can be shared by the participants. The research study purposely identified nine (9) teachers of the senior high schools (6 for the focus group discussion and 3 for the in-depth interview) who are presently holding multiple roles while teaching in the three (3) identified national high schools in Davao Region. The results showed that the participants have their own share of good and bad experiences while holding multiple roles, stating that they encountered time management issues and expressed their struggles and stress but felt opportune with the responsibility they have at present. As their coping strategies, they expressed that resilience is accepting the things to be in the new reality, time and priorities are vital, being driven by it, learning, enjoying and loving the work and consulting and sharing thoughts with peers. Explored three strategies and methods specifically self-determination, perseverance, and sharing ideas and resources with peers. Also revealed are the insights that can be shared with others: do the best you can until you know better, in the midst of difficulty, lies opportunity and teamwork makes dream work.
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