Resti Tazkirah T., Hermanto Hermanto


This research aims to: determine the need for the development of the "Tatih" walking aid used to improve gross motor skills in a special movement development program for spastic diplegia cerebral palsy and determine the feasibility of using the "Tatih". This research was Richey Klein's Design and Development Research (DDR). The procedure in this research consisted of three stages, namely planning, production, and evaluation. The results of the research are: (1) the need for the development of the "Tatih" walking aid used to improve gross motor skills in a special program for developing spastic diplegia cerebral palsy; (2) the feasibility of developing the "Tatih" walking aid for a special movement development program for spastic diplegia cerebral palsy has been assessed by experts and revised in accordance with expert review; (3) the results of the intervention show an increase in gross motor skills in cerebral palsy spastic diplegia when practicing motor skills using the "Tatih" walking aid. Increase in subject IY's initial ability score from a baseline of 65% and final baseline of 85% or very good. The HK ability score from the initial baseline is 59.1% sufficient and the final baseline is 75% or good. The use of the “Tatih" walking aid is effective in improving the gross motor skills of walking in students with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy.


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walking aids, special program, mobility development

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