Eleana Tse, Katerina Plakitsi, Spyridon Voulgaris, George A. Alexiou


educational needs and examine the retention of their first aid knowledge and skills over time. Methods: We conducted an experimental longitudinal study in randomly chosen schools in Thesprotia, Greece. Twelve children, aged 4-8, and with special educational needs, underwent first aid training. We assessed their knowledge and skills using a questionnaire and specific scenarios one day before, one day after, and two- and seven-months post-training. Results: Before the training, the children did not answer the questionnaire correctly. However, after the training, all students got every question right. In the 2-month follow-up, their responses showed that the training kept their improvements. In the 7-month follow-up, there was a drop in the percentage of correct answers compared to the immediate post-test at 2 months. Based on the scenario-based assessment, before the training, the children did not know how to respond to a choking incident, but after training, all students reacted correctly. However, after two and seven months, students with special educational needs students had difficulty applying first aid skills correctly to a choking incident. Conclusions: Children with special educational needs can learn first aid, but they tend to forget some of this information after two months. However, additional research is needed to confirm these observations and explore similar studies involving children of different ages and various levels of special educational needs.


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children with special educational needs, first aid, educational program

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