Magdalen N. Mukewa, George Mathenge Wairungu


Caregivers (parents and guardians) of children with ASD play an integral role in early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) since they spend more time interacting and providing formal care for their children; they are supposed to provide early diagnosis and ongoing intervention to mitigate socio-communication challenges for their children. Some caregivers, however, lack knowledge and expertise on their roles in this resulting in miscommunication, unmet needs, and frustration. The purpose of this study was to establish caregivers’ extent of involvement in Speech and Language Pathology Services (SLP) in enhancing the socio-communication skills of children with ASD. The study was guided by Structural Functional Theory (SFT) by Comte. The study adopted a descriptive survey design with a mixed-method research approach. It targeted a population of 38 respondents comprising of thirty-six caregivers, one occupational therapist from a nongovernmental organization of parents with ASD, and one Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) outside a nongovernmental organization. The study employed a purposive sampling technique, and the pilot study was undertaken among caregivers of children with ASD b with the same characteristics as the target population. The key research instruments were questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Quantitative data from closed-ended items were examined and coded. This was followed by analysis with the aid of SPSS version 26. The data was reported usinge descriptive statistics. Qualitative data we read repeatedly to establish patterns and then themes. It was reported narratively. Conclusions were drawn and necessary recommendations were made based on research findings. The research found that caregivers’ involvement was critical in enhancing the acquisition of socio-communication skills. The study recommends government and non-governmental organizations of parents with ASD children promote more caregiver participation by creating more awareness of SLP services, recruiting more SLPs locally, offering comprehensive training, and coaching caregivers on SLP strategies.


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roles, caregivers, communication skills, collaboration, participation, engagement, involvement, speech and language pathologists, ASD

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