Maria Drossinou Korea, Alexopoulos Panagiotis


This literature review aims to create a connection between Special Education and Training (SET) with Artificial Intelligence (ΑΙ), specifically focusing on machine learning language models. These systems analyze language structures and rapidly generate text that closely resembles human expression. While AI tools have been present since the last century, global technological and research interest in AI experienced resurgence in November 2022 with the release of ChatGPT, a machine learning language model –“chatbot”. The introduction of this tool raised expectations for its potential in educating individuals with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SENDs). However, the literature also highlights concerns about potential risks and challenges associated with the widespread use of such tools in education. This paper explores the intersection of Special Education and Training goals and Large Language Models (LLM), presenting in the results the potential benefits and risks that may emerge from this interaction.


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artificial intelligence, machine learning, language-based machine learning models, Special Education and Training [SET], large language models

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v10i2.5209

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