Juliana Meissner Moraes, Diovana Aparecida dos Santos Napoleão, Marco Aurélio Kondracki de Alcântara


There has been ample debate about the necessity of departing from content-based educational models to pave the way for an education system that fosters the formation of students as critical citizens actively engaged in shaping society. This study aimed to develop a sequence of playful activities articulating sustainability concepts for primary school students within an Education 5.0 framework. The research was conducted in a public school in São Paulo State, Brazil. The results indicated that the proposed sequence of playful activities served as an effective tool for the teaching–learning of sustainability concepts and, more importantly, prompted reflections on the need for and relevance of socio-environmental awareness in daily life.


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Education 5.0, elementary education, playfulness, socioenvironmental awareness, sustainability

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