Samuel Muthomi Rwaimba, Francis Muriithi, Jessina Muthee


Using a quasi-experimental research design merged with a descriptive survey design; the researcher examined the effect of ICT integration in enhancing story grammar achievement among secondary school learners with hearing impairment in the counties of Tharaka Nithi and Embu in Kenya. This study was guided by the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) theory. Purposively, a secondary school for learners with HI was picked from each county. All learners (40), 2 teachers teaching English and the principals from the two sampled schools were used as the sample size. Learners were presented with a Students Story Grammar Achievement Test (SSGAT) for pre- and post-test. Further, questionnaires were used to gather more data from both the learners and the English teachers, while principals were engaged in an open-ended interview. The study findings revealed that ICT integration enhances story grammar achievement (t = 2.415, p = 0.0180) among secondary school learners with hearing impairment. The researcher suggests monitoring the 2021 ICT policy on education and training implementation, educating teacher trainees on technology integration, reviewing school strategic plans, and digitalizing story grammar resources for learners with HI.


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achievement in story grammar, ICT Integration, hearing impairment, traditional instructional pedagogies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v10i3.5362

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