Theodora Kavoura, Aggeliki Psoma


This study investigates the effectiveness of collaborative learning using LEGO EV3 robotics in a mixed abilities public middle school classroom in Ilion, Greece, consisting of typically developing students along with two students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and social and emotional difficulties. This study uses a collaborative learning approach in which students work together in groups to complete tasks, with an emphasis on developing social and cognitive skills. The methodology includes an introductory two-week period in which students work on group assignments, followed by an eight-week period in which students build and program a LEGO EV3 robot. Data was collected through observation and interviews with students. The results show that the use of cooperative learning and LEGO EV3 robotics was effective in improving social and cognitive skills in students with ASD and social-emotional difficulties, as well as in the whole class. The class also created strong bonds through teamwork, and this helped all the children to improve their performance. The findings have implications for educators looking for innovative ways to engage students with diverse learning needs in the classroom.


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inclusive education, community building, collaborative learning, STEM

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v10i4.5399

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