Nikolaos Panopoulos, Maria Drossinou-Korea


Students with intellectual and developmental disabilities exhibit heterogeneity in their learning readiness and reading skills in secondary education. Special education teachers are tasked with addressing their multiple needs by leveraging both their abilities and teaching strategies at their disposal. The purpose of this study is to present applied teaching practices utilizing differentiated instruction, teaching techniques, and technological tools to support reading skills in heterogeneous groups of students attending secondary education. The design of teaching practices involves the application of the methodology of observation and intervention in the context of a targeted, individual, structured, integrated program of special education and training. Students' skills regarding learning readiness and reading abilities are recorded with specific objectives, and activities are defined with certain pedagogical materials. In the conclusions of this study, a discussion is attempted regarding the implementation of differentiated teaching methods in secondary education, which allow for the utilization of teaching techniques through assistive technology. Additionally, emphasis is placed on the use of educational games for understanding school subjects, such as literature.


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intellectual and developmental disabilities, teaching practices, secondary education, technological tools

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