Artemis Kalamari, Maria Drossinou-Korea


In the context of the tribute to the teacher and writer Kostas Christakis, this paper discusses issues related to programs and teaching strategies in the light of neuroeducation and neuropedagogy. The following text is inspired by his books "Special difficulties and needs in primary school" and "Teaching programs and strategies for people with special educational needs and severe learning difficulties". Through the neuropedagogy, teachers understand the brain function to tailor instruction to the individual differences and special educational needs [SENs] and Disabilities of students. Their combination with the above programs creates a global framework for improving learning and the integration for them into the educational system. The perspective of neuroeducation and neuropedagogy reflect the importance of targeted special education and training [SET] under the pedagogical consideration principle of individuality. The teaching programs and strategies are formulated to meet the special educational [SENs] needs of each student, thus enhancing their success and autonomy in the educational environment (Christakis, 2023, 2011, 2006, 2000).


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neuroeducation, neuropedagogy, teaching strategies and programs

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v10i5.5499

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