Gengen G. Padillo, Joy Dominique M. Cabarca, Hylene B. Longakit, Tesa Rose E. Misa, Ramil P. Manguilimotan, Reylan G. Capuno


The main concern in education and its goal for all learners with Intellectual Disability (ID) is to continue providing learning continuity for them to be functional individuals amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This study delved into teachers' experiences in teaching self-help skills to learners with intellectual disabilities during the pandemic in the Division of Toledo City. Using an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a qualitative research method was utilized to gather data from the parents/guardians selected through purposive random sampling to determine the parents' experiences in teaching self-help skills to learners with Intellectual Disability (ID). The results revealed that parents had more positive experiences than negative experiences in teaching their children with ID self-help skills during the pandemic. Furthermore, the challenges they encountered included teaching special education, which is tough and about following the teacher’s instructions, while the coping mechanisms were teaching through modeling and following the instructions in the module. With the foregoing, it is therefore true that the involvement of the parents in teaching children with Intellectual Disability (ID) greatly affects the learners. The participation of parents in schools can help promote positive behaviors among children. Hence, it is recommended that school administrators and other policymakers encourage activities that would support the families of learners with intellectual disability (ID).


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special education, self-help skills, parents' experiences, intellectual disability (ID), qualitative research, Toledo City

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v10i6.5530

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