Miriam Kinyua, Jessina Muthee, Mathew Karia


This study aimed to investigate the reading comprehension abilities of fourth-grade learners with dyslexia in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties. Guided by Chall's model of reading development, the research targeted 1,040 fourth-grade students with dyslexia from public primary schools. Purposive sampling was used to select 32 special needs teachers, while simple random sampling identified 166 learners with dyslexia, yielding a total of 198 respondents. Data was collected using the Dyslexia Screen Test Junior (DST-J), document reviews, a classroom observation schedule, an interview schedule for teachers, and two comprehension tests. A pilot study was conducted in two special units, one in each county, to establish the reliability of the instruments, resulting in a Cronbach Alpha Coefficient of 0.82. Data was collected from special needs teachers of English and fourth-grade learners with dyslexia, along with a review of relevant academic documents. The collected data was categorized, coded, and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0, employing both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Quantitative data was analyzed through frequencies and percentages, presented in tables, while qualitative responses were thematically organized according to the research questions and objectives. The findings revealed substantial challenges in reading comprehension among the learners. A majority (68.1%) exhibited only a literal comprehension level and struggled with basic decoding, while only a small percentage achieved interpretive (24.8%), critical (5.7%), and creative (1.4%) levels. The study also noted that many learners read slowly and repetitively to grasp the text. It was concluded that the difficulties experienced by learners with dyslexia in reading fluency, memory, and comprehension significantly hindered their ability to achieve proficient levels of reading comprehension. The study recommended tailored interventions to enhance both decoding skills and comprehension strategies, aiming to improve reading performance for dyslexic learners. These results may guide stakeholders in the Ministry of Education in implementing targeted interventions and offer a foundation for future research on effective strategies for teaching reading comprehension to students with reading impairments.


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reading comprehension, dyslexia, reading impairments, comprehension ability levels, reading comprehension interventions, reading performance, special needs teachers, special units

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