Avinash Vitthalrao Aneraye, Samanta Mousina


The disability acts are not about the enjoyment of specific acts, as they are about ensuring the equal enjoyment of all human rights/acts without discrimination for persons with disabilities. The Constitution of India provides equal rights to its citizens to enjoy their lives respectfully and walk with dignity and integrity. Persons with disabilities are an integral part of society, and each government put their initiatives to include persons with disabilities in the mainstreaming society. It is the responsibility of the government to take care of persons with disabilities in respect of their education, vocational training, employment, and other aspects so that they may be integrated into an inclusive society. Therefore, the government is providing different types of concessions, reservations, and other facilities to persons/ children with disabilities. The government has implemented different legislations, policies, and schemes for the inclusion of persons with disabilities into mainstream society. The government takes various information to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities including the PwD Act, 1995, National Trust Act 1999, and RPwD Act, 2016. This study focuses on the awareness of acts and laws among various professionals, parents of PwDs, stakeholders, and the community regarding the various provisions and clauses for disabled persons available in India. These legislations ensure that the PwD can enjoy the right to equality, life with dignity, and respect for their integrity equally with others (RPwD Act, 2016). The laws of disabilities in India need to be understood from various perspectives of differently-abled persons in their attainment of persona and dignity. There is a need to understand and address the issue of attitudinal barriers so that the rights of persons with disability are upheld.


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disability, legislation, persons with disability, rights of persons with disabilities, Constitution of India, PMI

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