Murat Balcı


This qualitative study focuses on a detailed investigation into the complexities of learning difficulties, aiming to uncover the underlying causes, identify prevalent symptoms, discern societal attitudes, and evaluate the efficacy of various intervention strategies. By engaging a substantial participant base of 863 individuals, the study leverages qualitative methodologies to shed light on the nuanced experiences of those with learning disabilities, including challenges related to perception, skill acquisition, and social integration. The research outcomes emphasize the critical need for a holistic understanding of learning difficulties, taking into account the intricate interplay between psychological, genetic, environmental, and educational influences. Such comprehensive insights are pivotal for the development of tailored support and intervention programs, with the potential to significantly impact educational policies and practices. This study not only enriches the academic and clinical discourse surrounding learning disabilities but also advocates for enhanced societal support mechanisms, thereby aiming to improve the educational journey and quality of life for individuals facing these challenges.


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learning difficulties, societal perceptions, intervention strategies, educational practices, qualitative analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v10i7.5620

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