Murat Balcı


Pictures contain important clues about how children perceive their own world, their environment and the events they experience, how they position themselves and how they externalize. This externalization event is used as a tool to express sadness, fear, anxiety, worry or the opposite feelings such as peace, happiness, joy, love, belonging, etc., especially in individuals with special needs who cannot or do not want to express themselves verbally. Pictures of individuals with special needs are also considered as an expression of the feelings of individuals with special needs and contain important details about personality development. These pictures written by students with special needs also provide important clues about the mental development and competence of students with special needs. This study was conducted with a total of 25 children with special needs who attend a special education school and whose age range varies between 4 and 12 years. The application with children with special needs, 10 of whom are girls and 15 of whom are boys, and included in this study, covered a period of 20 weeks, and the pictures collected from children with special needs were evaluated with the semiotic analysis method.


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special education, special needs child, picture analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v10i7.5633

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