The cultivation of reading skills is a fundamental priority in the teaching process, as their mastery facilitates the adaptation of students with special educational needs to school and community life. This study aims to highlight a differentiated teaching approach to support reading comprehension skills in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and comorbid Intellectual Disability (ID). Three case studies were conducted involving 13-year-old students attending a secondary special education school. The findings were derived through observation methodologies using checklists of basic skills and special intervention methodologies with recorded interactions on instructional activity forms. The results document the progress made by the students before and after the teaching interventions regarding their readiness for reading comprehension activities. The study’s conclusions focus on the key features of differentiated pedagogical material that enhance the learning engagement of students with ASD and ID.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v11i1.5790
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