Simoni Viviane de Melo Venturini, Henrique Antonio Mendonça Faria


Peer-Mediated Intervention (PMI) and Classwide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) have proven to be effective strategies for the inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mainstream primary education. This study examines the application of PMI and CWPT in the school context, highlighting their benefits, such as fostering the development of social skills and reducing isolation among students with ASD. Based on a literature review, various types of PMI approaches are discussed, including Proximity Intervention, Reinforcement Intervention, and Initiative Intervention. The findings suggest that PMI and CWPT are promising methodologies, particularly in naturalistic settings such as schools. However, in many emerging countries, the application of these methodologies remains limited, underscoring the need for further research and practical initiatives to explore their inclusive potential within educational contexts. Consequently, this study aims to contribute to the expansion of knowledge on PMI and CWPT and their applicability in countries where ASD remains a significant challenge for education systems.


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peer-mediated intervention, classwide peer tutoring, inclusion, evidence-based practices, autism spectrum disorder

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