Efthimios Dimakis, Maria Pardali, Spyridon-Georgios Soulis


This quantitative study aimed to collect and analyse information from special primary education teachers regarding their knowledge of dyscalculia. One hundred thirty-one specialist primary school teachers were asked to answer a questionnaire with five main factors of study (concept and content, causes, characteristics of primary school pupils, effect on students, and intervention). Five different scores and one total score were created for the five factors, whose mean value and standard deviation show the trend of the degree of knowledge. In all the questions, the participants expressed moderate knowledge of dyscalculia. Particularly, the participants expressed moderate knowledge of the factors of concept and content and characteristics of primary school students and interventions, barely knowledge of the causes, and no knowledge of the effect on students. Summarizing, the participants expressed moderate knowledge of dyscalculia and demonstrated the need to be educated and trained on the specific learning difficulty.


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dyscalculia; opinions; knowledge; special primary education teachers; Greek teachers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v11i1.5837

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