Chee Keong Chua, Chong Lee Wong


The number of young children with developmental disabilities seems to be escalating in Singapore. This is accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of early intervention centers to cater to the learning and educational needs of these children with special educational needs. Early intervention is crucial in the early years of a child’s developmental stages as it can minimize the effects of young children who are at-risk or diagnosed with developmental disabilities, thereby enhancing the potential for independence in adulthood. While there has been an abundance of published studies in early intervention, most of them are done in the Western and European countries. Research in early intervention for young children with special educational needs is scarce in Singapore. With the increased prevalence and awareness of young children with special needs, attention is very much warranted in early intervention. Hence, this paper provides an overview of early intervention, its service delivery models, importance, and finally the benefits so that parents whose child with special needs can gain a better understanding of early intervention.


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early intervention, young children, special needs, importance, benefits


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.738

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