Olusegun Adeleke Oba-Adenuga, Olalekan U. Asikhia, Victoria Ozioma Akpa


The academic staff of universities plays a very important role in terms of the growth and development of nations’ economies. They make a positive contribution to the growth of a nation and are generally seen as the basis by which the needed high-level manpower or a country's development could be achieved. Despite the enormous contributions of the university sector, it is observed that their performance level especially in Nigeria is low compared to that of other nations. This is evident in declining research output. This challenge has been attributed to a variety of factors, including poor self-management. This study examined the interaction between emotional intelligence and employee performance in selected private universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. A research survey was employed in this study. The population was 1464 full-time academic staff of selected six private Universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling, stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques were adapted to obtain a response from all the cadres of the academic staff. The sample size of 308 was determined using Raosoft calculator. A structured and adapted questionnaire went through validity and reliability tests with Cronbach Alpha ranges between 0.728 and 0.954. The inferential statistics employed Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient to test the hypothesis of the study. The study revealed that self-management had significant relationship with employee research output (r (296) = 0.803, p < 0.05). This study concluded that self-management affects employee research output in selected private universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that private universities should continue to improve their academic staff’s personal development skills in order to help improve their organization's personal development. This can be achieved through sending their academic staff to conferences/workshop, seminars, and training programmes.


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self-management, employee research output, private universities

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