Stefania Dimopoulou


The application of the EFQM excellence model and the adoption of its principles enables sports organizations to achieve significant results, that will satisfy both customers and employees. Although many companies and organizations apply the EFQM excellence model, few mega sports organizations have adopted its application. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess if employees of mega sports organizations applied the processes of the EFQM excellence model and if there are differences between sexes. One hundred and forty-six employees at the Olympic Athletic Center of Athens "Spiros Louis", who agreed to take part in the study were asked to rate the nine criteria (Leadership, Human resources, Strategy and Policy, Suppliers/Sponsors/Resources, Processes, People outcomes, Customer outcomes, Results for the Society and Key performance results), of the "Administrative Excellence of Greek Sports Organizations" questionnaire (Karastathis, Afthinos, Gargalianos, 2014). The statistical tests used to analyze the data were: a) descriptive statistics, b) the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (for the normality of the dependent variables), c) the Cronbach reliability coefficient "a" (for the reliability of the scale) and d) the Kruskal-Wallis (to compare the average values of men and women). After the analysis of the data, the following were found: a) the internal consistency of the scale was 0.90, b) the Leadership criterion (4.23±0.70) had the lowest score and the Key performance results (2.83±0.95) had the highest score, c) it was observed a statistically significant difference between men and women only in criterion 5 Procedures (chi square=5.14, p<0.023). It is concluded that according to the estimates of the employees (men and women) at the Athens Olympic Sports Center "Spiros Louis" there is an attempt to apply some principles of the EFQM excellence model. Also, women had a more positive assessment than men in the Procedure criterion.


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total quality management, business excellence, sports organizations, EFQM model

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v6i2.1397


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