Nendaywa Thoronka, Hannah Princillia Combey


The goal of the study was to examine how employee performance in Sierra Leone's commercial banks is affected by training and development, with a particular focus on United Bank of Africa Sierra Leone Limited as a case study. The research was expected to accomplish the following goals: ascertain the effect of job delegation on employee performance, evaluate the effect of job rotation on employee performance in UBA, and ascertain the influence of mentoring on employee performance in UBA. The entire philosophy of training and development was covered in a fair and balanced manner in the literature review. In order to better understand the effect that training and development have on the performance of their employees, a review of the theoretical and empirical literature was conducted by commercial banks. During the investigation, a descriptive research design was employed. Additionally, the study used a qualitative research approach since, as opposed to conducting a broad statistical survey, it explains a specific circumstance or problem. To ensure that only respondents were chosen in order to fulfill the study's objectives, purposive sampling was employed. There are only eighty (80) respondents in the sample study, and 45 of the questionnaires were returned fully. A combination of primary and secondary sources was used to gather data. Following the data collection process, the researchers arranged a well-completed questionnaire, revised the data, and arranged it for the following step. Tabular data with frequencies and percentages were used to present the data. According to the study's conclusions, mentoring significantly improves employee performance at UBA by offering a reward for personal growth at a time when the company's tactics are always changing. According to the study, staff performance and authority delegation are positively connected; employees are more likely to be dedicated when given authority and vice versa. According to the study, managers at UBA should ensure that workers are allowed to work autonomously, as this will lead to a number of advantageous outcomes, including increased job satisfaction, organizational commitment, creative behavior, and productivity.


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employees, performance, United Bank of Africa, training, development, impacts

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