This study investigates the influence of leadership styles, motivation, and job satisfaction on employee performance at XYZbank Sabah. For confidentiality, the name of the bank is withheld. A quantitative approach was used to explore the complex relationships between these factors. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires, which were distributed to the staff of XYZbank, Sabah. A total of 279 employees participated and contributed to the data analysis and conclusion of this study. The data was analysed using SmartPLS 4. The findings reveal that all three variables significantly impact employee performance, with job satisfaction emerging as the strongest predictor. While leadership and motivation play crucial roles, job satisfaction has the most profound effect on enhancing employee outcomes. The study emphasizes the importance of creating a motivating work environment and fostering job satisfaction to optimize productivity. By focusing on the banking sector in East Malaysia, this research addresses a notable gap in the literature. Additionally, this study provides actionable insights for bank managers aiming to enhance employee performance and organizational excellence. The results carry significant implications for management practices, offering guidance on how to refine leadership strategies and improve motivation to drive productivity in the competitive financial industry.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v8i2.1830
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