Teachers are human resources in the world of education who possess a significant role. However, the issue of teacher burnout has been concerning, thus, a good management of human resources is needed so that the teachers do not experience this. One noticeable reason for the teacher’s burnout phenomenon is the school climate that is not conducive and does not support them in their work. In addition, emotional intelligence and high self-efficacy possessed by a teacher can be a factor influencing the burnout. This study aims to analyze the effect of school organizational climate and emotional intelligence on teacher burnout with self-efficacy as intervening variable to state high schools’ teachers in Tebing Tinggi. The population in this study was teachers in Tebing Tinggi state high schools, as many as 259 teachers. Using the Slovin formula, a sample of 80 teachers was obtained. Path analysis was used as a data analysis as well as proportional random sampling for sampling techniques. The results showed that the school organizational climate and emotional intelligence had a partially negative and significant effect on teacher burnout. Self-efficacy had a partially positive and insignificant effect on teacher burnout. School organizational and emotional intelligence climate have also direct effects on teacher burnout through self-efficacy.
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