Establishing a well-structured faculty is a significant plan for the reform and development of provincial-level universities. This paper analyzes and analyzes the age structure and scholarship structure of the five teachers of Tongren University, and finds out some hidden problems in the construction of the school’s teaching staff, and proposes corresponding countermeasures. The research has been developed based on quantitative research methods through a measurement model and tried to gain further understanding. After that, by providing self-administered questionnaires, the primary data required is collected according to the survey strategy. Full-time teachers who teach at Tongren University in Guizhou, China, were selected as the sampling frame for this study. Findings show that a positive relationship exists between Age Structure and Team Structure. Also, there is a significant relationship found between Scholarship Structure and Team Structure; as well as a positive relationship found between Team Structure and Sustainable Development. This study is limited to Tongren University and may not provide similar findings in a different university. However, this study can be used as a guideline for future study on other factors which will influence the development of high-level talent lecturer team.
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