The main objective of the study is to examine those associate factors affecting the growth of micro business in Calabar, Cross river state, Nigeria. The study is aimed to specifically investigate the extent to which lack of microcredit and crime affects the growth of micro business in Calabar. The cross sectional survey research design was used in selecting 287 business owners from 4 areas in Calabar, using the purposive sampling technique. The study used questionnaires to collect primary data. The questionnaire was checked for completion and reliability of the data. The quantitative data was then coded and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages and mean and standard deviation. Descriptive statistics was used mainly to summarize the data. This included percentages and frequencies. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0) was employed to aid in the coding, entry and analysis of the data obtained through the questionnaires. Result revealed that Lack of microcredit and crime significantly affects the growth of micro business in Calabar. Sequel to this outcome the study there by recommends amongst other factors that; the government should improve on the metropolitan security architectural network to curb urban crime. Provide mini credit scheme opportunity to deserving indigenes at bearable interest margin to deserving indigenes at bearable interest margin as well as the ancillary components like road network, water, transportation, power etc. that correlates performance in micro businesses.
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