This study examines the job satisfaction of temporary (non-medical) employees in the administration services at the North Sumatra University Hospital, Medan. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of organizational learning, achievement motivation on job satisfaction, and whether the work environment can moderate the relationship between organizational learning and achievement motivation towards work satisfaction of temporary (non-medical) employees in the administration services at the North Sumatra University Hospital Medan. Quantitative descriptive was employed as data analysis method. The population of this study was 82 temporary (non-medical) employees in the administrative division of North Sumatra University Hospital who have worked for at least one year and have participated in several trainings at the North Sumatra University Hospital. The technique of determining the sample used is the census method. Methods of collecting data with questionnaires The results of this study show partially (t test) shows that organizational learning and achievement motivation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, simultaneously (F-test) learning organization and achievement motivation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Moderation testing with a residual test approach, the work environment is not able to moderate (strengthen) the relationship between learning organizations to job satisfaction.
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