Description of the research objectives: 1) mechanisms or plans made by the District Government for the implementation of surveillance of Lahei village authorities and 2) implementation of the District Government oversight by the village government. Qualitative approach was used in this study. Data is divided into two types: 1) primary data obtained directly from respondents through interviews, observation and documentation, and 2) secondary data obtained by reading the literature, official documents, related legislation. The analysis technique used was the model of Miles and Huberman. The data was processed in order to produce descriptive data. For the validation of data was used triangulation. Based on this research, the relationship between the government district and village governments looks good enough in terms of administration, although less than the maximum visible relationship and need to improve the guidance of the government district. It should be the role of the District Government to improve the village’s performance of the administration.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v0i0.732
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