Angga Nugraha, Hestuning Kesumaningdyah


Definition of Interest is a description of the necessary skills required to prioritize attitudes and knowledge to achieve the most effective performance on the job. On the job training is really related to the supervisor’s abilities, knowledge, and intelligence. The objective of this research is to examine whether the combination both of interest and training of the information technology will influence the improvement of workforce capacity in PUSINFOLAHTA TNI. In this research, the researcher uses the total sampling technique method which allowed all the participants has an equal opportunity to be selected as the sample. Based on the analysis, the results were: there is a positive influence for work interest variable on the workforce capacity with a partial value of 0.911, which means that there is a very strong influence or an effect of 83.0%. This is evidenced by the hypothesis test of the variable Work Interests on Employee Work Capacity, the value of t count = 10.021> t0.05 (96)=1.656, so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means it affects eligibility. There is a positive influence between Information Technology Education and Training on Manpower Capacity with a partial value of 0.843 which means that there is a very strong influence or an influence of 71.1%. This is proven by testing the variable hypothesis of Information Technology Training on Manpower Capacity, the value of t count = 9.585> t0.05 (96) = 1.656, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which means it affects feasibility. Meanwhile, simultaneously, the variable of Work Interests and Information Technology Training on Labor Capacity obtained a correlation value or summary model, the R value is 0.900 and the R Square value is 0.810 or 81.0%, it can be stated that the analysis of the results together- the same has a very strong influence. Evidenced by the test with F (ANOVA) or F Calculated obtained a value of 201,894 where> from F table (97) of 2,710 with a level of prosperity of 0,000 because 0,000 <0.05, it can be said together or simultaneously there is no effect.

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job competency, information technology training, job performance

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