Md. Al Amin Khan, Arun Kumar Tarofder, S. M. Ferdous Azam


Purpose: The motivation behind this investigation is to assess the effect of motivation on employee's productivity with regards to satellite TV station in Bangladesh. Two motivation factors were recognized based on exploratory factor analysis specifically economic factors and organizational factors also. Two dimensions in economic factors, such as, reward, remuneration and another three dimensions, such as, job stability, work condition and occupation training were found in organizational factors accordingly. Employees productivity is also analyzed here the outcome of employees. Design/methodology/approach: Factor investigation was utilized to sum up an enormous number of motivations attributes to recognize the vital elements that sway on employee productivity. Reliability tests based on Cronbach’s alpha and rectified thing complete relationship coefficients was utilized to test the internal consistency of survey responses. ANOVA tests were in this way used to test for differences in respondent's impression of this components as per chose demographics. Conclusively, a multiple regression model investigation was led to look at the connection’s motivation and employee productivity as well. Findings: Result directed that economic factors and organizational factors positively affected employee motivation and afterward it is moved to productivity in like manner. It is likewise discovered that motivation really function as a mediator. Originality/Value: This examination has caused to notice the significance of the connections between employee motivation and employee’s productivity with regards to satellite TV station in Bangladesh. The discoveries have noteworthy consequences for researcher specially satellite TV station setting. In spite of the presence of exploration on the between connections among motivation and employee productivity in different orders, there are not many talked about in satellite TV context research.

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motivation, organizational factors, economic factors, employee productivity, satellite television channel

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejhrms.v4i4.984


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