Ioannis Arvanitakis


The New Public Management, as a philosophy, focuses on providing more quality service to the citizen by delivering it to "the customer", a concept derived from the theory of Total Quality Management. Besides, it contributes to optimizing the decision-making process by linking costs - benefits and taking into account emerging efficiencies, as well as achieving predetermined results - objectives set in specific time frames. Concepts such as indicators, performance, evaluation, due to misuse and mistakes made at the political level in previous years, cause reactions to the educational community, which is distrustful of political leadership and shows the majority is reluctant to participate in processes that their outcome could be interpreted as perceived by the superior authority. There is no doubt that education has the most important contribution to the improvement of human capital from birth to university studies. The Greek Ministry of Interior is responsible for the supervision over decentralized administrations and local authorities (municipalities and regions), coordination and organization of recourse to the popular verdict (elections, referendums), legislation on Greek citizenship and expatriates, and legislation on registers, registries and demographics. So, it can be considered as the main stakeholder for Public Management issues. With a series of Legislation, the roadmap seems to be set. Recently, by the Greek Law 4692/2020, some of the basic concepts of Management are institutionalized, such as the process of planning and evaluation (internal and external) the school unit and Teachers evaluation are being defined.

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new public management, goal management, total quality management, Greek public schools’ evaluation

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