Today, all organizations are somehow exposed to developments in information technology (IT), and the effects of the information and communication technology (ICT) application in all areas of the supply chain, from relationships with suppliers to production and communication with customers, is obvious. In this survey, we study the effect of the use of information technology tools on the capabilities and performance of supply chain in the look of leather production companies in East Azerbaijan province. In this research, we are going to study supply chain communications systems, electronic data interchange, electronic mail, barcode and radio frequency identification in IT instruments and gadget collection; in field of supply chain capabilities, four aspects including the exchange of information, coordination, integration activities and the responsibility of supply chain; and in relation to performance of the supply chain, two performance variables, including sales and marketing performance and financial performance. The results show that based on the research process model, use of information technology (IT) tools have affected on supply chain capabilities and consequently, supply chain performance is also affected.
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