The objectives of research were to measure average of expectation level on service quality dimension, to measure perception average level on service quality dimension, and to identify the differences of average levels between expectation and perception on service quality dimension, 4) to measure gap services quality (The difference in average size of expectation and perception) on service quality dimension, 5) to identify the correlation or the link between expectation and perception on every dimension of service quality at Policlinic BPK RI, 6) also to identify the difference between the expectation average level and the perception average level in a range period of time. This type of research is an analytic with cross sectional design. The subject of this research is patients at Policlinic BPK RI (n=96). Instrument research, SERVQUAL questioner which adopted from Parasuraman model with five dimensions, they are reliabilities, response force, warranty, empathy, physical evidence which all have been tested by several hospital researches and proven valid and reliable. The questioner used Likert scale with 7 levels; from the lowest level strongly disagree to the highest very agree with total 22 questions of that five dimensions mentioned earlier. The statistic test used is Paired Sample T test and Correlation test. Probability and significance > 0,05, therefore H0 accepted. If the Probability and significance < 0,05, then H0 denied. The researcher finally found that Mean of expectation (20,99), mean perception (18,94), shown there was a significant difference between expectation and perception in service quality dimension, with a thorough significance < 0,05, there was a correlation or link with quality service dimension comprehensively significance < 0,01. Furthermore, there was no considerable difference found on expectation and perception measurements in three different periods, significance >0,05. As the conclusion, there is a difference between expectation and perception on service quality dimension that results a gap service quality. There is a correlation or link in service quality dimensions, when a gap services quality occurs in one dimension, will affect the other services quality dimension. In addition, there was no significant difference when patients at Policlinic BPK RI value either expectation or perception in three different periods of time.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.173
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