Introduction: ICT offers teacher and students both technological tools and resources which are beyond the boundary of their classrooms. Therefore, when the policy is properly implemented, it could support and transform the learning situation in every country. However, the best intentions might not always achieve the reality as projects on making ICT education accessible mostly fail to achieve its objectives.
Objective: It is in line with this the study was conducted to ascertain some of the challenges associated with the implementation of ICT policy at Nwabiagya District in Ashanti region.
Methods: The study adopted case study design and a mixed method of data collection. In all, a total of 512 were recruited to be part of the study.
Findings: The study revealed that there is lack of computers, unqualified teachers, limited practical after teaching as well as lack of internet access. These challenges were confirmed by both the teachers and the students within the various schools sampled.
Conclusion: The study found that the teaching and learning of ICT in basic schools in Ghana is faced with barriers and efforts have to be put in place in order to provide the needed resources and personnel to handle the subject in the various schools.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejae.v0i0.123
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