Madrasa Ibtidaiyah as an Islamic educational institution has a dual role, by teaching moderate science and instilling religious values from an early age. The problems that occur in the field, especially in some public Islamic schools in the city of Banjarmasin are not managed professionally. This has an impact on the low quality of madrasa productivity, so it is allegedly caused because in applying the leadership style and work climate in developing the commitment of the madrasa differently; this result in the quality of each madrasa being different. This study was conducted aimed at: 1) To describe the transformational leadership of the madrasa Ibtidaiyah principal, teacher job satisfaction, organizational commitment and teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior, 2) To find out the contribution of transformational leadership directly to organizational commitment, 3) To determine the contribution of leadership transformational of madrasa ibtidaiyah principal directly towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior, 4) To find out the contribution of transformational leadership of the madrasa ibtidaiyah principal directly to Job Satisfaction, 5) To determine the contribution of teacher job satisfaction directly to organizational commitment, 6) To determine the contribution of teacher job satisfaction directly to Organizational Citizenship Behavior, 7) To determine the contribution of the teacher's organizational commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior, 8) to find out the contribution of transformation leadership of madrasa ibtidaiyah principal indirectly through organizational commitment to Organizational Citizenship Behavior, 9) To find out the contribution of teacher job satisfaction indirectly through organizational commitment to teacher Organizational Citizenship Behavior at MIN in Banjarmasin City. This research is a type of explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study was all teachers in MIN in Banjarmasin City as many as 117 people. The sampling technique used in sampling is saturated samples. Data in this study were collected through questionnaires and documentation. Data were analyzed using path analysis (Path analysis) with the help of SPSS 22 software. The results showed that: 1) Direct transformational leadership of the madrasa principals, job satisfaction and organizational commitment contributed positively and significantly to the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of MIN teachers in Banjarmasin City, 2) Direct transformational leadership of the madrasa principals and satisfaction work provides a positive and significant contribution to the commitment of the teacher organization MIN throughout the city of Banjarmasin. 3) directly the transformational leadership of the madrasa ibtidaiyah principal gave a positive and significant influence on teacher job satisfaction in MIN throughout Banjarmasin. 4) indirectly through organizational commitment, transformational madrasa principals and job satisfaction contribute positively but not significantly to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) MIN teachers in Banjarmasin. Suggestions: 1) The principal of the madrasa must continue to increase the level of transformational leadership in him by applying transformational leadership in daily performance, 2) The principal needs to multiply symbols or artifacts in focusing the vision and mission of the madrasa such as posters, paintings and aphorisms on the page schools and classrooms and teacher halls, because they play an effective role in emphasizing the goals of the madrasa.
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