Damla Işık, Rafet Aydın


The purpose of this study is to examine the self-perceptions and success-oriented motivations of prospective teachers studying at the Education Faculty of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. As the research model, the correlational survey model was used as basic. The population of the study consists of 3650 prospective teachers studying at the Education Faculty of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. The sample of the study consists of 982 prospective teachers who are 692 women and 290 men studying in 9 different departments of the education faculty. In this study, to examine prospective teachers' perceptions of themselves and their success-oriented motivations, "Personal Information Form" which was developed by the researcher, "Social Comparison Scale" and "Success Oriented Motivation Scale" were used as data collection tools. The necessary statistical analyzes of the data collected for the research questions and sub-research questions of the research were made with the help of a computer package program. The frequency and percentage values of the responses of the prospective teachers to the scales were calculated. In the study, prospective teachers’ self-perceptions differ significantly according to the variables of gender, grade level, the department they study, whether they see themselves as democrats, and department satisfaction. In the study, there was no significant difference in the self-perception of the prospective teachers according to the variables of the high school they graduated from and the reasons for choosing the department. In the study, when the success-oriented motivations of the prospective teachers were examined according to the variables of class level, the department they studied, the type of high school they graduated from, the level of democracy, and the department satisfaction variables, there was a significant difference but according to the gender variable, there was no significant difference. Finally, it was concluded that there is a positive relationship between prospective teachers’ self-perceptions and success-oriented motivations.

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motivation, personality, prospective teacher, self-perception, success-oriented motivation, teacher / başarı odaklı motivasyon, kendilik algısı, kişilik, motivasyon, öğretmen, öğretmen adayı

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