Şule Öztürk, Berfin Kireç, Mustafa Erol


This study aims to investigate the effects of proverb-based financial education on 4th-grade students' financial literacy and perceptions of their wants and needs. At this juncture, the research was conducted using a quasi-experimental design. The study group consists of 82 students attending a primary school located in the northwest of Turkey. We collected the data for the study using financial literacy, want and need perception scales. We utilized the dependent and independent groups t-test to analyze the obtained data. We determined a statistically significant difference between the experimental group that received financial education based on proverbs and the control group that did not. This difference favored the experimental group that received proverb-based financial literacy education. In addition, when the experimental group's pre-test and post-test mean scores were compared, we found a significant difference in favor of the post-test. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of financial education based on proverbs as applied to the experimental group.


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financial literacy, perception of want and need, proverbs, primary school students

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