Afolabi, Comfort Yemisi


The study examined the impact of teacher involvement in school financial management, disciplinary issues, and conflict resolution on secondary school teacher productivity in Ekiti State. The survey-like descriptive research design was used for the study. The sample included 450 respondents consisting of 400 teachers and 50 school principals selected from 50 secondary schools used for the study. The random sample was selected using multi-stage and targeted sampling methods. Two sets of instruments were used to interpret the data for the study. The first instrument was called Teachers Participation in Secondary School Management Questionnaire (TPSSMQ) and the second instrument was called Teachers Productivity Questionnaire (TPQ). The reliability coefficients for the two instruments were 0.79 for TPSSMQ and 0.76 for TPQ. The data obtained were analyzed using percentage points, F ratio, Pearson product moment correlation and multiple regression. The hypotheses generated were tested at a significance level of 0.05. The study found that teacher involvement in the management of secondary schools in Ekiti State was moderate. Teacher productivity was also moderate. The study showed that the relationship between teachers' involvement in school financial management, disciplinary matters, conflict resolution and their productivity was moderate and statistically significant. The study also found that all predictor variables are factors that can have an impact on teacher productivity. Based on these findings, it was recommended that governments and school leaders should involve teachers more in decision-making related to school financial management, disciplinary issues and conflict resolution in order to increase teacher productivity in schools.


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teachers’ participation, financial management, disciplinary, conflict resolution, productivity

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