Ioanna Dimitriadou, Ilias Vasileiadis, Spyros Koutras


Self-determination is a framework for making decisions about one's life. In children, self-determination is linked to interests, choices, decisions, and problem-solving, usually with the help of an adult. The Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI) teaches students the above issues related to their daily lives (Palmer & Wehmeyer, 2002). The purpose of this study was to determine whether students after the implementation of SDLMI would be able to set goals and make decisions about the subject being taught. The research involved 5 girls with learning disabilities, second and fourth grade, divided into two groups, depending on the class of study. The program was implemented for 5 months and was followed by the structure proposed by the authors (Palmer & Wehmeyer, 2002). Initially, the students' interests were investigated, the answers were recorded and there was a discussion about what the goal is and what the obstacles are. After the worksheets were translated and adapted, they were given to the students. After the students set their goals, each of them worked on their individual goals (in language or mathematics). For the final evaluation of the program, the students completed the worksheets. The results showed that the students, after completing the program, were able to better understand the meaning of the goal and set goals that corresponded to the level of learning they possessed and the difficulties they faced at that time.


SDLMI, elementary school, case study, learning disabilities

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