N. Bilge Koçak Tümer


The aim of this study is to examine the drawings of 5-6-year-old children attending preschool educational institutions regarding their perceptions of recycling. For this purpose, the pictures drawn by children who were administered recycling-themed drama activity and those who were not were examined. The study was designed in an experimental design with a control group. The content analysis method, one of the qualitative data collection methods, was used in the study. The data were collected by using the draw-narrate technique through the pictures drawn by the children. A total of 24 children aged 5-6 years, who were attending kindergartens in the 2022-2023 academic year, determined by convenience sampling method, participated in the study. After the drama activity on recycling was administered to 10 children in the first group, they were asked to draw pictures about recycling in the evaluation phase. The 13 children in the second group were asked what they thought of when they thought of recycling and were asked to draw pictures. The expressions of children describing the pictures they drew were noted. By using the content analysis method in the analysis of the data, children’s perceptions of recycling were tried to be revealed. As a result of the research, the rate of recycling figures in the pictures of children who drew pictures related to recycling after the drama activity on recycling was found to be significantly high (90%) compared to the pictures containing figures related to recycling in the pictures drawn by children who did not have a drama activity on recycling (46,1%).


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creative drama, recycling, preschool, drawing

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