Paraskevopoulou-Kollia Efrosyni-Alkisti, Michalakopoulos Christos-Apostolos


When a child is born, God (or whatever other force we believe in) smiles at us. In Greece, we have a word that we use when referring to some good luck that is associated with certain stages of our fate. This word is “gouri” (γούρι), essentially a “blessing”, or a “godsend” if you are more religiously inclined. We, therefore, decided to conduct this research because we regard it as highly important to determine and recognise the extent to which having children is indeed considered a blessing, as well as to identify mentalities, traditions, thoughts, views, and even fatigue and pain, not only in people who have children but also those we don’t – either because they never wanted to or because it never happened. These people, our cohort of subjects, are the key that unlocked the way to many beautiful things, as well as to some other, less colourful realities.


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social research, social work, Greece, qualitative research, children and blessing

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