Geralyn T. Familgan, Marynel C. Comidoy, Ric Glenn A. Comidoy, Exequiel R. Gono Jr.


The main objective of the study is to conduct a formative evaluation of the reading program titled "Magbasa Para May Pag-asa" of the Department of Teacher Education of UM Peñaplata College. The researchers used a mixed-method approach to determine the impact of the programs and how to improve their implementation. The researchers used the Phil-IRI tools to quantify the students' reading skills regarding word recognition, oral reading speed, and reading comprehension. Using descriptive and inferential statistical tools, it was found that word recognition, reading speed, and comprehension levels before the program's implementation were frustrating for both Filipino and English. The word recognition and comprehension levels before the program's implementation were instructional, while the reading speed was frustrating for both Filipino and English. For Filipino, there is a significant difference in the levels of word recognition before and after the program; however, no significant difference in the levels of oral reading speed and reading comprehension. For the English Language, there is a substantial difference in the levels of word recognition and reading comprehension before and after the program; however, no significant difference in the levels of oral reading speed. Further, the program greatly impacts word recognition and reading comprehension. To improve the implementation of the reading program, the volunteer tutors suggested exploring various approaches and techniques, providing individualized support and differentiation, and making the journey meaningful by providing interactive reading materials and games to make learning motivating and engaging.


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