Luana Cristina Rosa Pinhel, Vitor da Silva Loureiro, Fabrício Bruno Cardoso


This study seeks to explore through a literature review the relationship between the impact of sleep and parenting practices on learning, highlighting the importance of interventions and parental programs to promote full cognitive development. Sleep quality is essential for children's cognitive and academic development, as sleep-related problems directly affect learning. Irregular habits and excessive use of electronic devices are factors that negatively impact children's sleep. Despite its importance, there is still a gap in educational and parental practices aimed at promoting sleep health, highlighting the urgency for greater awareness and intervention. A systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA methodology, with data collection using keywords related to children's sleep and parenting interventions. After screening, only two studies were included in the qualitative analysis. The studies confirm the connection between sleep quality and academic performance, emphasizing the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving sleep. Methodological limitations are discussed, but the evidence highlights the importance of integrated strategies involving family, clinical context, and school. The study highlights the potential of interventions combined with parental programs to enhance learning and promote children's overall well-being. The research innovates by proposing an interdisciplinary and practical approach to addressing learning associated with sleep, with a direct impact on school performance and holistic development.


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children's sleep, learning, interventions, parenting

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